Learning to Live in a Food Obsessed World

Are You Food Obsessed Or Food Apathetic?

Do you ever wake up wondering what it would be like NOT to think about food at every moment? Wouldn't it be nice to grab something for breakfast without figuring out how many calories are in your choice, if it's low-enough carb or IIFYM (if it fits your macros)? Wouldn't it be amazing to finally get this "Intuitive Eating" thing?The vast majority of people I work with are FOOD OBSESSED.  They think about food all.the.time. They plan, worry and stress about meals and feel guilty when they slip up, or are forced to make an off-plan choice because LIFE HAPPENS! And then they're guilt-ridden until they muster the courage to start all over again. Sound familiar?So many people are choosing to jump off the diet culture bandwagon and make peace with food. They no longer want to obsess about food. They DO still want to honour their health with food and movement that feels good, but not according to a set of rules or expectations. They want to carve their own relationship with food that doesn't try to force their body into an set of unrealistic expectations. They want to LIVE.

How Do You Find The "Sweet spot"?

  1.  Diet Diet Culture. Stop looking for the next new diet. Stop believing that your life will be better if you lost weight or fit into those jeans from your 20's. And don't engage when a well-meaning friend asks you to join them on their next diet. Rebel! Your life can and will be amazing, regardless of your dress size.
  2. Start paying attention to how food makes you feel. Do you enjoy it? Or are you eating it because it's there? Digging into the WHY of eating is key to mastering the intuitive eating process.
  3. Learn to honour HUNGER and FULLNESS. I've written about hunger and fullness here in previous posts.
  4.  Discover the SATISFACTION factor. You have a right to choose and eat foods that are satisfying! Restrictive diets don't work because they force us into making choices we don't enjoy.  And that's just never going to work!
  5. Work with a non-diet professional who can guide and support you through this process.

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