Mindful Eating - 5 Easy Ways to Get Started with Mindful Eating.

Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed plenty of good food and time with loved ones over the past few weeks. I'm really not one for resolutions (especially if they focus solely on removing things from your life), but I do get behind changes that are made with intention.  And committing to more mindful eating throughout the year fits the bill!You'll be hearing a lot more from me about mindful and intuitive eating as I'm getting ready to start a 6-week course with an expert in the filed, Evelyn Tribole, RD. I can't wait to expand my practice and incorporate these skills!But, since it's Monday, let's kick off the New Year with a #MindfulEatingMonday post.

  1. Eat More Slowly. S-L-O-W down. I'm really guilty of eating quickly (and always have been) but it makes such a difference when I take a deep breath (or three) before starting  my meal and really take the time to taste what I'm eating.
  2. Eat at the Table. Try to make every meal a "sit down" meal.  Eating on the run, in your car, in front of the computer, etc. really cuts down on the enjoyment of the experience.
  3. Don't Multitask While Eating!  This is a big one, and often the most difficult to change! Who hasn't eaten lunch in the car, while answering an email or scanning their phone? Give this one a try, even if it feels REALLY hard at first.
  4. Eat With Your Non-Dominant hand! This one is especially helpful for anyone who struggles to eat slowly. Alternatively, you could try using chopsticks instead of utensils!
  5. Be Choosy. So many of us eat simply because the food is there. Do you really want it? And if so, how much? Are you checking in with your hunger and fullness cues to ensure you're eating the right amount for you? And here's my favourite quote to keep you motivated this week:

mindfuleatingmondayInterested in incorporating Mindful & Intuitive Eating into your relationship with food? My non-diet approach to health and wellness may be what you're looking for. Drop me a note at dr.salibhuberATpillarsofhealth.ca