12 days of Mindful and Joyful Holiday Eating

December is just around the corner, and so many people spend a lot of time and energy into planning, worrying and even obsessing about food (and drink!) choices during the holiday season.Mindful Holiday EatingWhy? Because so many of us feel powerless to the staff room full of cakes and cookies, endless holiday gatherings and limitless selections of chocolate! So, how do we enjoy this special time of year AND make better choices?  We choose mindfully, with intention. We do away with the concept of restriction and reward, and instead focus on how food and eating makes us FEEL. I've written about mindful eating before and incorporate these concepts into almost every visit I have. Why? Because it works.Sounds great, right? It is! But, it takes a bit of practice and that's why we're offering 12 days of Mindful and Joyful Holiday Eating! These daily emails will start on December 12th and take you right through until December 24th. Don't worry - these short bits of inspiration won't take up too much of your time (or inbox). These daily mindful moments will help to guide you, and hopefully inspire you incorporate mindful eating strategies year round!

Join us!  Sign up here and we'll be in touch starting December 12th!