Staying well through the holiday season

I love the holidays.  I love the people, the music, the lights and most of all, the food!  But it can be hard to find balance at a time when excess and indulgence are the norm. If you find yourself with a "holiday hangover" every year, keep these tips in mind.1.  Stick to the 80/20 rule.  Try to focus on healthy, clean eating choices 80% of the time.  Allow yourself an extra treat or two, but stay focused on healthy eating.  Eat breakfast, don't skip meals, watch your portions and avoid the temptation to sample everything on the table.2. Bring healthy options to parties.  If your holiday season is full of pot lucks and office parties, be the shining star and bring a healthy dip (hummus) or fruit plate.  Baked treats can also be healthier choices if they're made with whole ingredients and less sugar.  You won't be the only one who appreciates it! These coconut flour vanilla cookies would be a great addition to any dessert table.3.  Support your immune system.  All those extra hugs and handshakes can lead to extra germs.  Aside from the usual handwashing and good hygiene, consider extra immune support including Vitamin C, D, Astragalus or Echinacea.4.  Make sleep a priority.  Late nights and early mornings don't do a body good!  Go to bed on schedule - your body will thank you!5.  Keep your alcohol intake in check.  The empty calories in alcohol can add up quickly.  A sure way to add an extra few pounds over the holidays is to overindulge in alcohol.  Try a wine spritzer (wine + club soda) instead of a full glass of wine.Have a wonderful holiday and see you in the New Year!