Want to Learn More Intuitive Eating and Rebuild your Relationship with Food?

Haven't heard of Intuitive Eating? Neither had I until about 3 years ago. And then, concepts such as Intuitive Eating, Mindful Eating and Health At Every Size (HAES) started to find their way into my personal and professional world. At first, I was skeptical.  As an RD and ND with many years of practice under my belt, I didn't see how doing away with food rules and calorie counting would help anyone struggling to regain health and/or change their body. How could LESS structure be helpful? And so, with these questions in mind I enrolled in a 6-week Intuitive Eating for professionals course with Evelyn Tribole, RD (co-author of Intuitive Eating) in the Fall of 2016.At the end of 6 weeks, I was convinced that most of what I'd been taught was wrong, or at least misguided. My practice had already begun to shift in early 2016, but by the end of my training I knew that I was personally and professionally done with dieting.  Meal plans, calorie counts and macros were no longer welcome in my practice.  Pretty crazy, right?Not so much. A big part of what I learned is that diets just don't work. Some may find success in the early days but long-term successes were few and far between. And even worse was the fact that chronic dieting can lean to permanent metabolic changes that make it even harder to lose weight the next time around, as evidenced by the now infamous "Biggest Loser" study.But, my biggest motivator to change my practice was that I was seeing so many  women (mostly) of all ages in a constant struggle to lose weight.  And this struggle was not without consequence, as many had developed a very unhealthy relationship with food.  They no longer trusted their body, and were constantly jumping from diet to diet, searching for answers. But what if the answers don't lie in food, but in our thoughts and behaviours? If we change how we think about food (it's not the enemy!) and focus on our body's cues of hunger ,fullness and satisfaction, we CAN learn to trust our intuition and do away with all of the food rules. And more importantly we can learn to love and respect our bodies, regardless of the what the scale says.And so, I'm launching a FREE 4-week Introduction to Intuitive Eating through my Facebook group - Everyday Intuitive Eating.       If you're DONE with dieting and want to learn to love food again, please join me! I'd love to have you on board.Not sure if you're ready for this kind of radical change? That's ok! Come along for the ride anyway. Intuitive Eating is flexible and forgiving - you can come to it at your own pace.Hope to see you tomorrow evening for our first session!